GÜRMAT ELECTRIC GENERATION CO. INC. is a company was founded by GÜRİŞ CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING CO. INC .in 1999 for founding and operating Aydın - Germencik geothermal electrical energy power plant.

A concession agreement has been signed between Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and GÜRMAT ELECTRIC GENERATION CO. INC.  to construct geothermal electrical energy power plant in the field where geothermal wells were drilled by MTA in Aydın - Germencik – Ömerbeyli area.

In spite of power plant were decided to construct by Build - Operate - Transfer (BOT) model, concession agreement was given up and production license was given to our company with the 308/2 numbered decision of March23, 2004 of Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA)

Aydın - Germencik geothermal power plant is the biggest power plant of constructed and planned geothermal electrical power plant in Turkey.